Thursday, April 16, 2009

Making rubber band for my Powerball

Many Powerball beginners, as my self, in the beginning are experiencing problems with Powerball gripping. This is because their hands are not yet used to it. Here I have the solution which could help those powerballers. Must say that this is the best idea I have found so far.
Additional rubber band on lower shell improves your grip, compensates unwanted vibration and protects your fingers from having bad blisters. The only problem with this solution is that it is not permanent and you will have to replace overused rubber bands once in approximately two weeks of daily powerballing.

So, let's begin.
We will need one piece of Marigold's (or any similar) kitchen gloves, scissors (BTW invented by Leonardo Da Vinci), centimeter and the Powerball.

You have to cut any finger part of the glove

Then from that part you have to cut the ring of approximately 4 cm wide. That will be our rubber band.

Now take your Powerball and take off the original rubber band

Now put our Marigold rubber band on the shell

Make sure that one edge of the band will fall into the gap between the shells

From all sides

Adjust the band so the shell will look like that

Now put the original rubber band back on the powerball

It will fixate our rubber band when placed back into the gap properly

Now your Powerball is ready. It is secure and better held in your hand

Do you feel it?

The same way you can put rubber band also on the upper shell, although I believe that covering just the lower shell is enough.



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